
  • Zuhriyyah Hidayati Hidayati Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Tarbiyah Al-Fattah Siman Lamongan
  • Nanik Yulianti
  • Maghfirotun Fillah


One of the main programs of the Ministry of Religion is strengthening religious moderation. This program is considered as a solution to religious and social division problems. Therefore, it is hoped that religious moderation can be internalized in all walks of life, especially in the world of education. On the other hand, the Ministry of Education and Culture has designated the Independent Curriculum as the national curriculum in 2024. If analysed more deeply, there is a wedge between religious moderation and the Independent Curriculum. This article aims to determine the extent to which integration between the values ​​of religious moderation and the Independent Curriculum can be carried out at the implementation level. This research limits its study to the implementation of the Independent Curriculum at the early childhood education level. This type of research is literature study research where the researcher examines and analyses various theories, existing regulations related to the concept of religious moderation and independent curriculum in early childhood education units. The results of this research show that the values ​​of religious moderation are integrated into the Independent Curriculum for early childhood education. The results of this research show that the values ​​of religious moderation in the implementation of the Merdeka Curriculum for early childhood education can be integrated into the components of the PAUD curriculum, namely in intracurricular activities and in the implementation of the project to strengthen the profile of Pancasila students. In intracurricular activities, the value of religious moderation can be used as a learning objective derived from learning outcomes. Meanwhile, in implementing the project to strengthen the profile of Pancasila students, the value of religious moderation can be integrated into the project theme, dimensions, elements and sub-elements in the project.

Keyword: early childhood education, independent curriculum, integration, religious moderation, values.



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