
  • Muchamad Fauyan Universitas Islam Negeri K. H. Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan
  • Sugito Yogyakarta State University
  • Sugeng Bayu Wahyono Yogyakarta State University


Religious Moderation, Islamic Education, Religious Leader


Religious moderation education has become an increasingly important topic in the context of multicultural Indonesia. This article discusses the perspectives of religious figures in Indonesia on religious moderation education through a literature review. Using a literature review method, this research investigates the understanding and views of religious figures from various religious traditions in Indonesia regarding religious moderation education. The main findings indicate that the majority of religious figures support religious moderation education with four indicators (national commitment, tolerance, anti-violence, and openness to local culture), and religious leaders even propose seven dimensions of religious moderation indicators that are more holistic and comprehensive as a means to strengthen tolerance, mutual respect, and peace among religious communities. However, there are also differences in opinion and emphasis in the implementation of religious moderation education, reflecting diversity of views regarding methodology, curriculum, and target audience. The results of this research can be a significant contribution to the development of religious moderation education in Indonesia that is in line with the existing religious diversity context.


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