
  • Sepriadi Sepriadi IAIN Metro Lampung
  • Rodhy Harisca IAIN Metro Lampung


Arabic, vocabulary, learning technology


This research aims to determine the Arabic vocabulary learning of Al-Fatih Nunggalrejo Islamic boarding school students through traditional learning technology. This qualitative research uses a descriptive approach that describes the state of the research object involving Arabic teachers and 14 students. Data was collected through observation, interviews, and documentation techniques. The research results show that the application of traditional learning technology in simple vocabulary books, accompanied by the application of the singing method in learning Arabic vocabulary at the Al-Fatih Nunggalrejo Islamic boarding school, can be considered quite good. The teacher makes the class more active and makes it easier for students to memorize lots of vocabulary. This traditional learning technology has advantages and disadvantages. The benefits include creating a fun and happy atmosphere, increasing enthusiasm for learning, and making memorizing material at an affordable cost easier. However, it is less suitable for higher grades due to the diversity and complexity of the material and is not ideal for students who tend to be quiet and shy.


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