Prevention, Salaf Islamic Boarding Schools, Bullying StrategyAbstract
The high number of cases of bullying in Islamic boarding school educational institutions raises concerns among parents when they want to send their children to Islamic boarding schools. Islamic boarding schools must have an appropriate system for bullying prevention strategies and creating a conducive educational climate. This research aims to analyze bullying prevention strategies in Islamic boarding schools. Through a qualitative approach with narrative inquiry, this research reveals three educational patterns used in efforts to prevent bullying in Islamic boarding schools, namely: 1) Education and awareness: educational programs are focused on moral values, empathy and respect for differences. This helps students understand the impact of bullying behavior and encourages them to always do good. 2) Strict Supervision and Intervention: Implementation of clear and effective policies to handle bullying cases is carried out with strict supervision in the Islamic boarding school environment, as well as reporting mechanisms and firm action against perpetrators of bullying. 3) open communication: by supporting open communication between teachers, administrators, and students, this is also done. This makes students feel more comfortable in reporting bullying situations they experience and witness, allowing for more effective prevention and intervention measures. By combining education, supervision and better communication, Islamic boarding schools can be safe and supportive for each of their students. The results of this research have an important role in increasing awareness and action to prevent bullying at the Salaf Islamic Boarding School.
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