
  • Shofi Khairunnisa Nisa uin gusdur


students experience, youtube media, english language learning


Learning English via YouTube has become a popular method among students due to its universal accessibility, variety of content available, and interactive features that enrich the learning experience. The aim of this research is to explore students' experiences using YouTube as an English language learning tool. Data was collected through interviews and qualitative research and analyzed to identify key insights regarding the use of YouTube in English language learning. This research shows that YouTube provides broad access to a wide variety of English-language content, from formal educational videos to more casual entertainment-based content, allowing students to choose topics according to their interests and learning needs, increasing motivation and engagement. Interactive features like video captions and built-in quizzes also help increase student engagement. Direct exposure to English through YouTube content can improve students' listening, speaking and language comprehension skills, but challenges such as difficulty understanding accents and risks to content quality were also identified. Criticism is needed in selecting and evaluating content to maximize the benefits of using YouTube in English language learning.


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