Written Corrective Feedback: A Narrative Inquiry Of Writing Feedback In Intensive English Course Writing Class


  • alma ariyani UIN K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan
  • Dewi puspitasari


Written corrective feedback, Narrative Inquiry


This research aims to determine students' perspectives on lecturers' written corrective feedback in writing intensive English courses and how written corrective feedback can motivate students to write in intensive English course: writing classes. Thus, the research questions of this study are (1) what is the student's perspective on written corrective feedback given by the teacher in the intensive English course: writing class? (2) how can written corrective feedback motivate students to write in the intensive English course: writing class? This research, which uses a qualitative approach in the form of narrative inquiry, shares students' personal experiences regarding writing with corrective feedback given by lecturers in the intensive English course: writing class at UIN K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan. The findings show that participants have a positive perspective towards the lecturer's written corrective feedback in the intensive English course: writing class. Then, most participants agreed that written corrective feedback could improve their writing performance. It is hoped that the findings of this research will be useful for lecturers in providing effective written corrective feedback.


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