
  • Maratus Sholekhah Institut Agama Islam Negeri Metro
  • J. Sutarjo Institut Agama Islam Negeri Metro


learning media, canva, vocabulary


The purpose of this study is to describe teachers' perceptions about the use of Canva applications in supporting Arabic language learning, especially in vocabulary mastery. The method used is a quantitative descriptive method, where the data is obtained through the distribution of questionnaires and observations in class. Data analysis uses quantitative descriptive. The results of this study show that the use of the Canva application can support Arabic language learning in the classroom. The Canva app can be an effective alternative in improving the quality of Arabic language learning. The use of this application can help teachers in creating interesting and easy-to-understand learning materials. This is because learning Arabic requires a creative and innovative approach so that children are easier to understand and absorb the subject matter. One solution to increase the effectiveness of Arabic learning is to use digital technology, such as this Canva application.


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