
  • Indah Muslichatun SMAN 1 Kedungwuni


Learning Community, Improvement, Quality of Teaching and learning process


This study aims to discover how far the learning community gives impact to the improvement of the quality of teaching and learning process in SMAN 1 Kedungwuni. The research is a qualitative and descriptive research in which the researcher used questionnaire, interview, document analysis, and observation to collect the data. Based on the study there is improvement of the quality of teaching and learning process after the existence of ‘BERNAS’. The improvement is supported by the fact that 60 % of teachers teach using creative method captured by the academic supervision.. Besides, 65% students out of 104 sampling students state that they the teaching and learning process in SMAN 1 Kedungwuni is effective and fun.  Another evidence is that 75% teachers reveal that they get more knowledge and insight by participating in ‘BERNAS’ learning community and it is useful to improve the quality of teaching and learning process in their classes. Finally, the improvement of the quality of teaching and learning process is approved by the grade of the quality of teaching and learning process in Education Report by the government which improves 9,08 % from last year. In conclusion, the learning community ‘BERNAS’ has made the teachers improve their quality of teaching and learning process in their classes. However, the study also shows that around 35 % of the sampling students do not feel enjoyable to study in SMAN 1 Kedungwuni and 40% of teachers still need to improve their performance. It reveals that the improvement is not as high as expected. The school targeted 80% of the teachers be effective teachers.


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