
  • Wiwit Aryanti UIN K.H Abdurrahman Wahid
  • Rizky Bagus Satriyojati UIN K.H Abdurrahman wahid pekalongan
  • Najhwa Tsalisa Putria UIN K.H Abdurrahman wahid pekalongan
  • Rita Nuryeti UIN K.H Abdurrahman wahid pekalongan
  • Adam Sayid Panggeda UIN K.H Abdurrahman wahid pekalongan


Literature Learning, Senior High School, Vocational High School


The purpose of this study is to find out the learning of Indonesian language in high school and vocational school, to find the differences of literature learning in high school and vocational school, and to observe the role of teachers on students' interest in literature. This research was conducted through a comparative qualitative approach, this research aims to analyze, and compare how literature learning exists in both schools, the analysis focuses on teaching methods, student responses, obstacles or challenges. Data were collected through interviews with Indonesian language teachers and some students, data reduction, and drawing conclusions from the interviews. The research findings show that there are differences in the implementation of literature learning between SMA and SMK, both in terms of learning and practicum. High schools are accustomed to providing material that is equivalent to the practice. This study concludes that the learning of literature in high schools and vocational schools is different. The difference is not only in terms of student obstacles, in high school students the obstacles are usually from families who are less supportive of their interests, while in vocational students the obstacles are the lack of understanding of vocabulary in literary works and students' disinterest in literature. The second obstacle is in terms of educators, in addition to referring to learning, educators should also be able to teach through adaptive approaches and increase teacher capacity in implementing innovative and interactive teaching methods.


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