
  • Khafidatul Mukarromah Institut Agama Islam Negeri Metro Lampung
  • Nandang Sarip Hidayat Universitas Islam Negeri SUSKA Riau


interest in learning, Arabic, language games


This research aims to increase students' interest in learning Arabic by using language games for class VIII students at MTS Maarif 5 Bumi nabung, Central Lampung. This is research and what is used is classroom action research and uses a qualitative experimental approach. The results of this research are that students' interest in learning Arabic increased through the use of language games in class VIII students at MTs Maarif 5 Bumi nabung, Central Lampung for the 2023/2024 academic year where students' test scores increased from cycle I to cycle II, this was because of the final test scores. That's why I started 62 days then the share of Cycle II was 83. The presentation of students' interest in learning Arabic from cycle I to Cycle II increased, where the presentation achieved in cycle I was 70% and at the end of cycle II was 82%. So it can be concluded that "The use of language games to increase interest in learning Arabic for class VIII students at MTs Maarif 5 Bumi nabung, Central Lampung for the 2023/2024 academic year" was accepted.


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