
  • Nasrullah Institut Agama Islam Negeri Metro Lampung
  • Ahmad Rifa’i Institut Agama Islam Negeri Kediri


quizizz technology, vocabulary, Arabic language learning


In this digital era, the use of technology in the classroom is very important. One tool that can be used as a learning tool is Quizizz. Teachers can create interactive quizzes using an application called Quizizz, and students can take them online. The aim of this study was to characterize participants' experiences and viewpoints regarding the use of Quizizz digital technology to improve vocabulary in Arabic. Data was collected through student observation, interviews, and documentation using qualitative descriptive research. Data collection was carried out by observing the learning process using Quizzizz digital technology used in learning, observations were carried out by looking at the form of digital technology used by teachers in the teaching and learning process, then to deepen the data in the field, interview techniques were also used which were needed as research supporting data. The findings of this research show how using Quizizz increases motivation, enthusiasm, engagement, and mastery of Arabic words. With Quizizz, they have a fun and engaging experience, and their vocabulary increases significantly. This research offers a comprehensive overview of how Quizizz digital technology is used to improve Arabic vocabulary and offers in-depth information for the creation of more effective teaching methods in the future.


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