
  • Widyan Zulda Mahira Universitas Ahmad Dahlan Yogyakarta
  • Ahmad Diponegoro Universitas Ahmad Dahlan Yogyakarta


family, mental health, teenagers


The family is the first environment that becomes the center of education for a child. A child going through his teenage years definitely needs a lot of guidance and direction. Adolescence is where a child has a high level of curiosity, so there must be a figure in his life to guide, direct and motivate. The aim of this research is to determine the role of the family in fostering mental health in adolescent children. The method in this research is to use literature study, namely searching for, sorting and collecting appropriate sources to be linked in the discussion. The discussion in this research is that adolescence is a period when a child is growing and looking for identity, so that in the life they experience, they will certainly encounter many problems, if they are not guided by the people closest to them, in this case the family, their mental health will be disrupted, if their health If your mental health is disturbed, your physical and hormonal health will also be disturbed. The family has an obligation to provide comfort and protect the family members within it, in this case the children. The family's role in fostering a child's mental health can be done by protecting, establishing interactive communication, accompanying and providing a sense of comfort to a child.


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