
  • Muthoin UIN K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan
  • Faliqul Isbah UIN K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan


Digital Islam, Opportunities and Challenges, Islamic Education


The digital technology has transformed nearly every aspect of human life, including religious practices, socio-cultural aspects, and education. In line with this statement, this article aims to describe the challenges of Islamic education in the digital era and strategies to turn these challenges into opportunities. This research uses a qualitative design to gather data through literature review in books and scientific journals related to Islamic education in the digital era and  accompanied by participant observation in online lectures. Data are analyzed through three stages: data reduction, data display, and verification, as the basis for understanding the meanings and patterns of challenges in Islamic education in the digital era. The results of this research were obtained four challenges of Islamic education in the digital era are identified. First, the dissemination of inaccurate information and extremism, which can be dealt with strengthening digital literacy. Second, the negative influence of social media which can be overcome by integrating social media literacy education into the curriculum. Third, losing face-to-face interaction in learning, the solution is to develop traditional learning with more interactive hybrid learning and blended learning concepts. Fourth, the risk of neglecting ethics and morals education, especially in unethical online behavior, the solution is to include learning about digital ethics in every aspect of the curriculum. The results of this research contribute as a guide for Islamic education stakeholders, educators and students in achieving the maximum benefits of using technology and avoiding the negative effects of technology in the digital era.


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