
  • Ridwan Alaba Bello Universitas Islam Internasional Indonesia (UIII)


Quran Zone of Proximal Development, Content Analysis, Teaching Pedagogy


Quality education is a transformational tool; one of its attributes is the teaching pedagogy employed. The traditional teaching method – narration –  has been abandoned for problem-solving and exploratory, which are assumed to be antithetical to Islam. Meanwhile, Islam is accepted as a divine religion by Muslims and non-Muslims, and so is the Quran – the last Divine book. It is a strong belief among the Muslim faithful that the Quran touches all life’s aspects, including education and teaching pedagogies. While it is widely, albeit falsely, believed that the teaching and learning pedagogy in Islam is narrative-based – memorization – which is in contrast with the modern-day teaching and learning pedagogy of problem-solving and exploratory, this study aims to analyze a Quranic verse for its teaching pedagogy through the lens of the conceptual framework of Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD). The content analysis results show that the selected Quran verse – Quran 2:260 perfectly aligns with the conceptual framework of ZPD and that Islamic teaching pedagogies include problem-solving, collaboration, discussion, and participatory learning. So, the study adds to the limited relevant literature on Islamic teaching pedagogies.



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