Effective School Management in Encouraging Improvement of Teacher Pedagogical Competence at MI Hidayatul Islam Purwakarta


  • Dyah Wulandari STAI DR KH EZ Muttaqien Purwakarta
  • Risna Marselina Setiawan STAI DR KH EZ Muttaqien Purwakarta
  • Tammami Aulia Faridah STAI DR KH EZ Muttaqien Purwakarta


Pedagogical Competence, Teachers, Learning Motivation


A perfect learning experience in the teaching and learning process involves the function and use of learning methods, learning media, evaluation techniques, regional/regional characteristics, student characteristics, parental concerns, student motivation, teacher teaching opportunities and opportunities. This is closely related to a teacher's pedagogical competence. This research aims to analyze teachers' pedagogical competencies in lesson planning, learning processes, and evaluating student learning. This research was conducted using a qualitative approach. Data collection techniques were carried out through interviews, observation and documentation studies. The data analysis procedures are data reduction, data display, and verification. The research subjects were the principal, deputy principal and teachers. The results of the research show that: 1) Increasing teachers' pedagogical competence in lesson planning at MI Hidayatul Islam Purwakarta is carried out based on the curriculum and syllabus. Learning planning includes analysis of learning materials which includes competency standards, basic competencies, indicators and main material. 2) Increasing teachers' pedagogical competence in the learning process at MI Hidayatul Islam Purwakarta is carried out by developing mastery of learning theories and learning principles, curriculum development, developing students' potential, and utilizing information and communication technology, communicating effectively, empathetically and politely with students 3) Increasing teachers' pedagogical competence in evaluating student learning is carried out by utilizing the results of assessments and evaluations and carrying out reflective actions to improve the quality of learning.


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