The Role of Mathematics in Islamic Accounting: Evaluation, Challenges, and Implications


  • Agus Arwani UIN K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan
  • Santi Nailul Izaty Prodi Akuntansi Syariah Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam UIN K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan


Mathematics, Islamic Accounting, Sharia Principles, Islamic Finance, Sharia Audit, Financial Report Quality


This research aims to analyze the significant role of mathematics in Islamic accounting, particularly in the evaluation and calculation of financial transactions that comply with Islamic Sharia principles. These principles prohibit riba, gharar, maysir, and encourage halal muamalat, including zakat calculation, profit sharing, and comprehensive financial analysis. Through extensive literature review, this research examines the role of mathematics in various aspects of Islamic accounting, including its influence on the quality of financial reports, Sharia compliance, and financial decision making. Specific references are made to works such as Lewis (2001), Kamla (2009), Hassan and Mollah (2018), and Zaky and Warsono (2022) to highlight the Quranic approach in teaching Islamic accounting and its application in practice. The research findings indicate that the use of mathematics in Islamic accounting enhances the quality of financial reporting and efficiency in financial and tax calculations. Additionally, mathematics plays a crucial role in profit margin calculation and Sharia accounting audits. However, challenges are identified, including potential conflicts between Sharia principles and conventional mathematical methods, as well as limitations in complex situations. This study faces limitations in the form of dependence on technology, the need for specific skills and training, and methodological constraints in dealing with the complexity of Sharia accounting practices. The research findings support the need for the development of mathematical methods more aligned with Sharia principles, improvement in mathematical skills, and reduction of dependence on technology. These implications offer insights into how mathematics can help ensure compliance of financial transactions with Sharia principles and enhance wise financial decision making, while highlighting the need for strategies to overcome existing challenges.


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