
  • Fahrudin Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
  • Mulyana Abdullah Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
  • Achmad Faqihuddin Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


Al-Ghazali, Islamic Religious Education, Character Education, Curriculum, Higher Education


In today's rapid and often materialistic modern world, holistic character education is crucial. Al-Ghazali's profound insights into human nature offer a comprehensive framework for spiritual and moral development, adaptable to higher education settings. This study investigates how Al-Ghazali's human concept is integrated into the Islamic Religious Education (PAI) curriculum at universities, aiming to develop students with well-rounded personalities. Conducted at a premier Indonesian university, this qualitative research involved five lecturers and five students. Data were collected through observations, in-depth interviews, and document analyses. Analysis using NVivo 12 software facilitated the identification of key themes and enabled detailed conclusions regarding the curriculum integration's effectiveness. The results demonstrate that incorporating Al-Ghazali's principles not only enhances the curriculum but also markedly improves students' moral integrity and depth of character. This study contributes new and actionable insights into evolving PAI curricula to more fully encompass spiritual and ethical dimensions.


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