
  • Mochamad Iskarim UIN K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan


Institutional Transformation, Islamic Higher Education Institutions, Higher Education Policy, Transformative Leadership


Institutional transformation frequently occurs within Islamic higher education institutions (IHEIs) in Indonesia. Among the institutional transformations that take place is the transition from institute status to university status. This institutional transformation serves as a strategic step towards enhancing the quality of education and institutional development. Rapid and complex changes and societal demands constitute significant reasons why higher education institutions must undergo progressive transformations. However, the institutional transformation of higher education institutions must be accompanied by a transformation of mindset and improved working patterns. Thus, the presence of transformative leadership significantly influences the success of institutional transformation. This paper seeks to examine the transformative leadership of leaders in Indonesian IHEIss undergoing institutional transformation. Post-transition, IHEIs leaders strive to foster commitment, establish vision, and determine organizational values to be embraced and followed by the academic community of the institution. Some IHEIs leaders issue written declarations that are openly published, expressing a commitment to enhancing the quality standards of service in their institutions. This serves as evidence that transformative leaders are visionary, innovative, responsible, and engage everyone in the advancement of their institutions. This paper is expected to serve as material for the evaluation and follow-up actions in managing IHEIss towards adaptive and competitive higher education institutions.


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