Analysis of The Readiness Profile of Muslim Families In Accompanying Children When Studying at Home To Form Educated Muslim Generation (A Qualitative Study on Parents of Elementary School Students)


  • Labib Sajawandi Sajawandi Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto
  • Tatik Ariyati Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto
  • Johni Dimyati Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto


Muslim Family Readiness, Educated Muslim Generation.


This study aims to determine the readiness of Muslim families, especially in parents in accompanying children when studying at home to form educated muslim generation, and to analyze readiness in a complex manner both of facilities and family culture. This research was conducted on 70 parents or guardians of elementary school students. This study used qualitative research method. Data analysis used the Miles and Huberman models with the following steps; (1) data collection, (2) data reduction, (2) data presentation, and (3) drawing conclusions / verification. Data were collected through observation and interviews. The results of the study were discussed from two aspects of the student reading environment, namely the physical and non-physical environments. From these two environments, it can be concluded that there are four principles of learning environment family, namely 1) The abundance of learning material. 2) Various texts/labeling based on the children's needs. 3) reading interaction. 4) Integrated and sustainable activity. From these four principles, it is found that in average, the reading interaction in family is high enough only, and this is related to the purpose of formal education. However, the environment and culture of family have not been built in integrated and sustainable way considering that preparing educated generations must focus on sustainable and integrated processes in order to get long term benefits. So the results of this study are necessary to be used as a reference for parents, schools, and policy makers in preparing schools so that they are ready for accompanying children when studying at home to form educated muslim generation.


