Teacher’s Role in Fostering Students


  • Endang Sulistyaningsih IAIN Pekalongan


Teacher’s role, foster, moral, students


The role of teachers is enormous in educating, teaching, guiding, directing, training,assessing and evaluating must have competence. Competence includes pedagogical aspects, personality, profesionalism, and sosial. This isa must for a teacher, because the teacher is a human choice that is not uncribulated man is able to implement it.

The problems in this article  is: 1. what are the role of the teacher in fostering studen moral? 2. What is the barrier of the teacher’s role in fostering studen moral? 3. What are the supporters of the teacher’s role in fostering studen moral?. The research objectivities are: analyze the role of the teacher in fostering studen moral, analyze the barrier of the teacher’s role in fostering studen moral and analyze the supporters of the teacher’s role in fostering studen moral. The usefulness of this research is as follows: theoritically adds to knowledge, especially the morality, for anyone who needs. Practically can be a guide for teachers in fotering student moral.  

This research uses descriptive qualitative research and field research.  Data collection methods through observation, interviews and literature studies.  The data analysis technique of this study was three ways namely data reduction, data presentation and conclusion drawing.

The study produces findings:1.  Teacher role in fostering student moral that is: all teacher always profide good famale tan, giving advice, profiding motivation, giving sanctions, garbage and habituation. 2. Barriers from the role of teacher’s in fostering student morale that is: environment that is not conducive, including: family, technology and social environment and facilities that are not supportive. 3. supporters of the teacher’s role in fostering student morals that is: the presence of teacher spirit in conducing coaching and cooperation between the guardian of the student with the school.


