
  • Siswo ibu


Concept, humanist, inclusive and education



The foundation of education in Islam (Islamic education epistemology) is the Al-Quran and Al-Hadith, the Qur'an as the holy book of Muslims has taught many things about life, including education. The Koran has guided and directed mankind in relation to human tarbiyah, and the concepts offered by the Koran have been practiced by the Prophet Muhammad throughout the journey of the prophet Muhammad's struggle in preaching Islam to his people. Starting from the beginning of the existence of Islam until when the prophet Muhammad died. and education in the Islamic concept offers the concept of rahmatan lil alamin. The concept of Islamic education is universal, so that its existence is able to survive until now, and the concept of Islamic education tends to develop following the civilization of the times and is timeless. This concept of Islamic education applies to all human beings and tends to be open to accept change, but in an Islamic context based on the Qur'an and Hadith. The concept of Islamic education is open without exception and humane. Likewise with animals, this concept does not dichotomize from one group to another.

In Islam, the teacher is a very noble profession, because education is one of the central themes of Islam. Prophet Muhammad SAW., himself is often referred to as "humanitarianor educatoreducator of mankind. Therefore, the success or failure of an educational process lies in the figure of the teacher/educator.

For Islam, teachers must not only be teaching staff, but also educators. Therefore, in Islam, a person can become a teacher not only because he has met the scientific and academic qualifications, but more importantly he must be commendable in character. For this reason, a paradigm shift from teaching to education must be carried out. Because by educating the concept of rahmatan lil alamin it will be more clearly seen because the approach process with the rohmah approach in the language of education is humanist and non-violent.


