Propetic Communication Approach to Strengthening Family Resilience During the Covid-19 Pandemic


  • Ihya Ulumudin IAIN Pekalongan


Family Resilience, Prophetic Communication


Communication between family members: Husband and wife, parents and children are very important, especially in the era of the Covid-19 pandemic, with the policy of preventing the transmission of Covid 19 requiring us to be at home a lot, it means that family member gatherings are increasing. The opportunity to communicate within family is very wide open, this will be bad if we are wrong and inappropriate in communicating within the family. This study aims to explain how family communication must be carried out in adapting the Covid 19 pandemic era. This research is a type of research qualitative, using the literature study method as data collection. Family is the best thing in protecting society, family is the best place for every human being, but with the Covid 19 pandemic, it has even become the toughest place to face the covid 19 pandemic with all its risks, even a scary place inside. Prophetic Communication is offered as an effective family communication model in an effort to strengthen family resilience in the midst of a pandemic. Covid 19. Covid19 is a disaster as well as a common challenge that must be faced together, especially in the family. The paradigm of prophetic communication in the family in the face of this pandemic is based on three pillars, namely, first, humanization (amar ma’ruf): mutually reinforcing, advising and taawun and mutual cooperation). Second liberation (nahi munkar): Empowerment, enthusiasm to rise, and endeavor as an obligation, and not to dissolve in fear) and third transcendence (tu’minuna billah): patience, trust and sincerity and prayer, all from Allah and returning to Allah (Innalillahi wainna ilaihi roji’un).


