Assessing the Impact of Sexual Violence Legislation on Strengthening Family Resilience


  • Nurul Huda Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Sunan Giri, Bojonegoro
  • Taufiqur Rohman UIN K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan


sexual violence, family resilience, household


The Law on Sexual Violence Crime is an Indonesian law concerning sexual violence, including prevention, fulfillment of victims' rights, and recovery of the victims to regulate handling during the legal process. These kinds of sexual violence crimes include Non-Physical Sexual Harassment, Physical Sexual Harassment, Forced Contraception, Forced Sterilization, Forced Marriage, Sexual Torture, Sexual Exploitation, Sexual Slavery, and Electronic-Based Sexual Violence. It is very relevant to become a new legal umbrella in Indonesia, this is in line with the widespread cases of sexual violence that occur in society and families. Cited from the data throughout 2023, there were 5 controversial cases of sexual violence against children by their biological fathers. This article aims to analyze the effectiveness of the Law on Sexual Violence Crime Against Family Resilience in Indonesia. The research method that was used in this article is normative juridical research with the type of the research being library research or literature. The data was collected by collecting primary secondary data, namely analysis on the Law on Sexual Violence, and Family Resilience, books, previous research, and articles related to the theme. Data were analyzed using a statutory approach combined with critical legal analysis methods. The results of this study indicate that based on the principle of Family Resilience, the Law on Sexual Violence Crime is very effective as a legal umbrella, thus it can assist in resolving sexual violence cases, protecting victims from the injustice they receive


