Problems and Crisis of Islamic Education in The Present and Future


  • Libiya Dwi Wirna Pramadani UIN K.H Abdurrahman Wahid, Pekalongan


Islamic Education; Character Value; Problematic


The purpose of this study is to 1) examine the current problems of Islamic
education. 2) and Solutions to the Problems of Islamic Education Currently and in
the future based on the results of the study and critical analysis, the conclusions
are as follows; 1) The problems that occur in the world of Islamic education
include moral decadence and the dichotomy of knowledge. 2) The solution to the
problems of Islamic education is to instill character values and prevent the
dichotomy of knowledge. The character values are religious character values.
Religious attitudes and behavior are attitudes and behaviors that are close to
spiritual matters. Honest One form of program that can be carried out by schools
to foster honesty in students, namely by making honest canteens Tolerance
Forming students who have a sense of tolerance for others. Hard Work Students
need to be taught about the importance of hard work. Creative Creative is an
ability but to create something new, to provide new ideas that are applied in
problem solving. Independent, a learning process for students should be directed
to become independent students. Independent A student learning process should
be directed to become independent learners.


