The Influence of Information Technology on the Development of The Islamic Education Curriculum


  • Moch Choerul Amin UIN K.H Abdurrahman Wahid, Pekalongan


Information Technology, Islamic Education Curriculum, Technology Integration, Islamic Teaching, Interactive Learning.


This study explores the transformative role of information technology (IT) in the development of the Islamic education curriculum. It aims to investigate how IT tools and platforms affect teaching methodologies, student engagement, and curriculum content. The research methodology employed for this study is a literature review, involving the collection and analysis of existing literature, including books, scholarly articles, theses, and other relevant documents that provide insights into the research topic. The findings of the study indicate that the integration of IT in selected Islamic educational institutions has experienced progressive developments, characterized by both enthusiasm and caution. Some institutions have fully embraced technology, while others have taken a more cautious approach. Institutions that support comprehensive IT integration have implemented comprehensive digital platforms that support various aspects of the curriculum. These platforms include virtual learning environments, digital libraries, and online assessment tools. These changes have facilitated a shift from traditional lecture-based teaching to more interactive and student-centered learning experiences. In this environment, students interact with digital content that complements the core Islamic curriculum, such as interactive Quran studies and Hadith databases. On the other hand, some institutions have adopted a more cautious stance by introducing IT in limited capacities. This often involves the use of presentation software, instructional videos, and internet resources to complement traditional teaching methods. The focus remains on direct instruction, with IT serving as an additional tool rather than a central component of the curriculum. Overall, the use of IT in Islamic educational institutions is recognized to have potential benefits, such as increased access to diverse Islamic scholarly works and the ability to connect with learning communities and educators worldwide. However, concerns about preserving the authenticity of Islamic teachings and potential disruptions have prompted careful considerations on how and when to incorporate IT. In general, the integration of IT in Islamic educational institutions is characterized by varying levels of adoption. While some institutions have fully integrated IT into their curriculum, others are still exploring the best ways to harness these tools without compromising the essence of Islamic education. The overall trend reflects an increasing recognition of the value of technology in enriching the educational experience, as long as it aligns with the educational philosophy and religious goals of the institutions.


