Implementation of Problem Based Learning Model in Social Engineering in Teaching Islamic Religious Education


  • Khairunnisa UIN K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan


problem based learning, social engineering, education


In today's digital era, almost all activities and information can be easily shared through social media. However, unfortunately, the use of social media is often misused to spread slander, both for personal and group interests. It is also not uncommon for fake news (hoaxes) to be used to influence public opinion, which in turn can cause excitement, information uncertainty, and fear. This makes information easily spread and accepted by the community, including students. However, teachers have an important role to teach students to think critically and have the ability to solve problems in their lives so that students have the ability not to easily accept information from social media without checking first. This research aims to involve interaction between students and in-depth exploration of concepts. The data collection method used was a descriptive qualitative approach, which involved interviews, observations, and thorough documentation to students. The results obtained from this study were very active and able to develop critical thinking skills. While the weaknesses of PBL found in this study; learning steps that cannot be implemented in a short time. The implementation of PBL takes a long time, learning requires independent learning activities of each student, and sometimes there are still some students who rely on their group mates.


