Effectiveness of the Google Classroom Application as an Implementation of Technology-Based Learning Media in Madrasah Ibtidaiyah
effectiveness, google classroom, learning outcomesAbstract
Google Classroom is an internet-based learning platform provided by Google. This platform is used as a learning application in the form of a network. This research aims to describe and analyze the use of Google Classroom as a learning medium for the subject of moral beliefs about tayyibah sentences for fourth grade students at MI Al - Amin Kalibeluk. This research uses a qualitative approach with a descriptive case study method. The data collection techniques used were interviews, observation and documentation.
Based on the research results, it can be concluded that the use of Google Classroom as a medium for learning moral beliefs in class IV tayyibah sentence material at MI Al - Amin Kalibeluk has several things as follows. First, Google Classroom can be used to create topics in forums, ask questions, present material in written, video or Powerpoint form, create quizzes, assignments and daily tests. Second, there are supporting and inhibiting factors in using Google Classroom. Supporting factors include adequate computer lab and internet facilities at school, Google Classroom training, increased communication between teachers and parents, as well as convenience for teachers in the learning process. Meanwhile, inhibiting factors include difficulties in using Google Classroom by senior teachers, the absence of a Google Premium account from the madrasah, and incomplete assessments.
Thus, Google Classroom can be an effective alternative in learning moral beliefs in class IV with tayyibah sentence material at MI Al - Amin Kalibeluk. However, efforts need to be made to overcome existing inhibiting factors in order to maximize the use of this platform in the learning process.