Application of Problem Based Learning in Islamic Education Subjects in an Effort to Prevent Academic Procrastination in Adolescents


  • Fachirotu Mina UIN K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan


application, problem based learning, Islamic religious education, academic procrastination, adolescents


The application of problem-based learning method in Islamic Religious Education subject to prevent academic procrastination in adolescents has been proven effective. This learning process emphasises learning experiences that trigger learners' active involvement and innovation in learning. The results of the classroom action research show that the use of this method can improve learners' engagement and their learning outcomes, particularly in the understanding of manners, courtesy and shyness. Observation of the learning process showed an increase in learner engagement from the first cycle to the second cycle, as well as a significant increase in learning outcomes. This indicates that the application of Problem Based Learning can improve the quality of learning and learners' learning outcomes.


