Historisasi Multimedia Dan Hukum Keluarga


  • Anton agung Wibowo Dwi martuti UIN gusdur Pekalongan


Keywords: Historicization, Family Law, Multimedia.


Technological developments in today's era are certainly not directly created by humans in
a sophisticated way like today's era which is known as the digital era, but these developments certainly proceed in accordance with human thinking over time, changes in human thinking towards ideas by developing innovations that make life easier. known as the industrial revolution, in the course of its development the revolution of human thought experienced 5 eras, the first, namely the 1.0 era, the era of changing human work systems, which originally used traditional methods, began to switch to machines, second, the 2.0 era, industrial innovations began to emerge, the third era, the beginning of 3.0. With the existence of the internet, the fourth 4.0 era is known as the digital period in all fields which have used automation systems, followed by the 5.0 era of digital content creation. The development of technology in the 5.0 era forces everyone to be able to utilize and use technology, including within the family sphere. The use of this technology is needed in the family system, but there needs to be a role in the family that takes advantage of digital developments in the family system, so there needs to be cooperation between families and government to provide education to families in strong family resilience in facing family problems in the digital era.


