Community Dissonance Against the Decision of the Batang Religious Court regarding Child Support After Divorce


  • Benny Suryanto UIN KH Abdurrahman Wahid



This research aims to reveal the effectiveness of the implementation of decisions and the factors that cause negligence in fulfilling child support after the Batang Religious Court Decision seen from Prof. Soerjono Soekanto's Theory of Legal Awareness. The research method used is qualitative with an empirical juridical approach. The primary data source is the parties who have litigated at the Batang Religious Court which is considered directly related to this research. Several research instruments used in collecting data in this research are: 1) Document Study, 2) Observation, 3) Interview. The results of the research reveal that: 1) The judge's decision regarding child support after parental divorce which has legal force is still not effective and able to fully bind the responsibility for providing child support to a father, so that many male parents often neglect to provide support to his children. 2) The factors causing negligence in fulfilling child support after the Class 1B Batang Religious Court Decision were the husband's economic factors, the lack of a sense of responsibility, and the public's lack of understanding regarding the possibility of a lawsuit and execution of child support from the ex-wife.

Keywords:  Legal Awareness, Livelihood, Children


