The Impact Of Gadget Use On The Learning Spirit Of Nurul Athfal Ulujami Islamic Boarding School Students


  • Fajar Subhan UIN K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan


Gadgets, Spirit of Learning, Islamic Boarding School


As technological advances have fundamentally changed the educational environment, the traditional Islamic educational institution, pesantren, has not been spared. Technological advances have revolutionized the way students learn and interact with science. The utilization of technology has brought tremendous benefits such as: Quick access to information, rich learning resources, and easy communication. However, it has also brought new challenges, especially related to students' enthusiasm for learning. This study aims to find out whether the development of technology, especially gadgets, can have an impact on students who generally use gadgets when studying at pesantren dalarang. The research method uses a type of qualitative research with a field study approach. Subjects or informants in the study were the head of the pesantren, ustadz and santri guardians using Purposive Sampling technique. Data collection methods by means of observation, interviews and documentation. The result of the research is that there are some students who are affected by the use of gadgets, namely becoming lazy to study when they enter the pesantren. Another impact is that children tend to follow the harsh and dirty words they encounter when socializing media. The next problem is the lack of direct interaction between children and parents. During the parents' visit to the pesantren, the children are busy playing with their gadgets.



