Evaluation of the Full Day School Program Using the CIPPO Method at MI Muhammadiyah Tanjungsari


  • Wahyu Taufiqur Rohman UIN K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan
  • Moh. Muslih UIN K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan


evaluation, full day school program, CIPPO


This research aims to evaluate the full day school program at MI Muhammadiyah Tanjungsari, Tersono District, Batang Regency. This research uses the CIPPO program evaluation model (contex, input, program, product, outcome). This research evaluatin is a type of qualitative research, which makes it easier for researchers to carry out fieldwork with various realities. The results of this research show that every aspect of the evaluation shows good results, so it can be said that this program was implemented well by the stakeholders


