Implementation of Religious Character Values Through Local Content Learning of PKQ (Qur'anic Morality Education) at Al-Asyraf Tazakka Islamic Elementary School in Bandar - Batang


  • Milatul Fatkhiyah UIN K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan


implementation, religious character education values, PKQ (Qur’anic morality education)


This study aims to identify the values of character education in the local content material PKQ (Qur'anic Character Education, along with its implementation in Madrasah Ibtidaiyah alAsyraf Tazakka Bandar. The method used is qualitative with the type of research type of field research (Field Research). while the research data sources were obtained from the results of observations, interviews, and documentation. The results showed that: 1. The suitability of the content of PKQ (Quranic Character Education) material from the perspective of religious character values includes, the attitude dimension (religious, social care, patience, earnestness, enthusiasm for knowledge, discipline, avoiding despicable morals, love for others), the knowledge dimension, and the skills dimension. 2. Strategy for Planting strengthening character education through local content material PKQ (Qur'anic Moral Education) at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah al-Asyraf Tazakka Bandar-Batang through providing and understanding knowledge, habituation and acculturation, exemplary, and strengthening and assessment, 3.Supporting Factors for the Implementation of Character Education Planting through PKQ Local Charge Material (Quranic Character Education), namely its integration with daily learning activities at MI al-Asyraf and supported by extracurricular programs that support the cultivation of student character, 4. As well as the placement of the subject schedule at the last hour, the lack of student self-control to focus on learning.


