Analysis Of Multimedia Utilizations In Islamic Family Law : A Study Of Advantages And Disadvantages


  • Kholifatul Maghfiroh UIN K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan
  • Septi Apriliyani P


multimedia, family law



Multimedia is an innovation that has emerged as a result of the rapid growth of technology. It involves the use of different media kinds, such as text, images, music, video, and graphics, on a single platform. Multimedia has developed at a quick pace because to technology, and this has had a big impact on a lot of different areas of life, including Islamic family law. In order to examine the benefits and drawbacks of using multimedia in Islamic family law, this study examines how it is utilized for learning, information dissemination, and problem resolution, among other purposes. The method used in this research is library research. An exploratory normative legal method is employed in this study. Textual material is observed, reviewed, and analyzed as part of data collection techniques. This information is then modified to serve as the primary source of information while discussing the research issue. Information about the use of multimedia in family law is gathered from literature reviews as secondary data or library materials. The benefits of using multimedia in Islamic family law include improving public awareness of Islamic family law, improving learning effectiveness, and improving accessibility to Islamic family law material. It should be highlighted, nonetheless, that there are drawbacks to using multimedia, such as reliance on technology, mishandling it, excessive prices, restricted access, and a lack of social connection. Government involvement as well as individual efforts are needed to address and prevent the drawbacks of multimedia consumption.


