The Values of Islamic Education in the Ruwat Bumi Tradition in Tangkisan Village, Mrebet District, Purbalingga


  • Fauziyah Nurhayati UIN K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan


Tradition, Ruwat Bumi, Values, Islamic Education


This research was conducted to explore the lives of Javanese people which cannot be separated from the cultures that develop within them, including the ruwat bumi culture in the villages of Tangkisan, Mrebet, Purbalingga. As a form of gratitude to the Creator for all the blessings and gifts that have been given, Ruwat Bumi is also a collective prayer so that in the years to come the residents of Tangkisan Mrebet Purbalingga village will be blessed with prosperity and safety. The intricate earth tradition is carried out by residents of the village of Tangkisan, Mrebet Purbalingga in the month of Muharram or what is often known as the month of suro, which means it is done once a year. In this case, there is a need to deepen the Islamic values ​​found in each culture or tradition, seeing that most Muslim communities do not understand traditions or understand Islamic values. This research aims to find out what Islamic values ​​are, what the intricate traditions of the earth are and how to implement them as well as the values ​​of Islamic education contained in them. By using field research methods that use descriptive data analysis, research results show that the values ​​of good Islamic education in a village are the application of human beliefs or feelings according to Islamic teachings. Based on the results of this research, it is hoped that it can provide readers with an overview and information about the culture found in an area, especially in the villages of Tangkisan, Mrebet, Purbalingga.


