Learning Strategies Based on Freedom of Thought in ImprovingStudent Understanding at Muhammadiyah 01 Elementary School




Freedom of Thought, Learning Strategy, Islamic Education


In the current global situation, religious education is increasingly important, especially with regard to a sustainable knowledge of Islam. In exploring the importance of intellectual freedom as a fundamental component of a revolution in religious education, this paper will concentrate on the framework of a contemporary and sustainable understanding of Islam. Teachers often provide knowledge to students directly, without fully understanding whether the information can be remembered or not. This research utilizes descriptive-analytical methodology and Classroom Action Research (CAR) to examine issues and patterns in religious education and assess the impact of methods that support intellectual freedom in Islamic education. 

The purpose of this study was to find out how well the Inquiry Learning model works in improving students' understanding of PAI subjects in the upper grade of SD Muhammadiyah 01. Using a spiral-shaped action research paradigm and moving from one experiment to the next, Classroom Action Research (PTK) was the research methodology used. The findings of this study show that the use of the Inquiry Learning approach can effectively help upper grade students of SD Muhammadiyah 01 understand PAI subjects better. 1. After the implementation of the freedom of thought-based learning approach, students' learning outcomes improved. Examination of the test results from Experiment I and Experiment II showed an improvement in students' learning outcomes, as evidenced by the fact that only 22 students, or 70%, passed from Experiment I and 28 students, or 93%, passed from Experiment II.


