The Impact of Using Android Based Tests on Student Learning Outcomes in Islamic Religious Education Lessons


  • Amiq Khoirul Fahmi UIN K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan


android based test, learning outcomes, Islamic education


This study aims to determine how much the Android Based Test affected the students' learning outcomes at SMP Negeri 3 Bojong Pekalongan. This study employs a quantitative technique in field research. Thirty-two students from class VIIA at SMP Negeri 3 Bojong in the Pekalongan Regency served as the sample for this study. A questionnaire with Likert scale measures was employed as the data gathering tool. The study's findings demonstrate: 1) The average score of 57 on the Android Based Test implementation questionnaire, which falls between 54 and 59 on the scale, indicates that the Android Based Test implementation is in the good category. 2) The average student learning outcomes of 88, which falls within the range of less than 85 to 89, indicates that the learning results are in the good category. 3) according to the t test, it is discovered The implementation variable for the Android Based Test has a significance level of 0.004. The computed t value is 3.082 > 2.042, and the significant value is 0.004 < 0.05. Thus, it can be said that there is a considerable impact of the Android Based Test implementation variable on student learning results.


