Reading. Qs Yūsuf, Qs. Maryam, Qs. LuqmᾹn in the Tingkeban Tradition: Study of the Living Qur'an in Blado, Batang




Reading, Tingkeban, Tradition


The tingkeban tradition is a tradition that is always carried out by the Batang people to pray for the safety of the future baby and its mother. In the tingkeban tradition there are several pieces of advice that are very valuable in married life and in society. The type of research used is qualitative research, namely research aimed at analyzing phenomena, events, social activities, attitudes and presenting research data presented in the form of descriptions, while this research is field research. The approach that researchers use is a phenomenological approach, namely an approach that seeks to understand human behavior in terms of a framework of thinking and acting as people who actively create their own social life, not viewing individuals statically and being forced to act, but rather having the right action strategy for themselves. so it requires in-depth study. The data used is primary data and secondary data sources. Meanwhile, the data collection techniques used were observation, interviews and documentation. Data analysis uses qualitative descriptive methods. The results of this research are first: The basis of the Blado community in carrying out the tingkeban tradition is from the Koran and Hadith as well as from traditions that have existed for generations from ancient elders. Meanwhile, the first stage of implementing tingkeban is Siraman, then, reading QS. Yūsuf, QS. Maryam, and QS. Luqmān was read by six people and others read surah al-Ikhlas, and the people of Blado interpreted the reading of the QS. Yūsuf, QS. Maryam, and QS. Luqmān in the tingkeban tradition is a wasilah to ask for help and Selametan, in order to hope for safety from the creator so that in the future when the child is born, he will be a child who can serve his parents, be useful to the homeland, the nation and have noble character as found in the three surahs.


