Implementation of Integrating Islamic Religious Education with Science and Tehnology in Integrated Islamic Elementary Schools


  • Azi Zatul Hikmah UIN K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan


Integration, Islamic Religious Education, Science, Technology, Integrated Islamic Elementary Schools


This article discusses the implementation of integrating Islamic religious education with science and technology in integrated Islamic elementary schools. The focus of this research is how the implementation of integrating Islamic religious education with science and technology in integrated Islamic elementary schools and how the advantages and disadvantages. This needs to be discussed because Islam is a rahmatal lil ‘alamin religion that can answer all the challenges of the times. This research includes qualitative research by describing the implementation and the advantages and disadvantages of integrating Islamic religious education with science and technology in integrated Islamic elementary schools. The type of research is field research. Data collection techniques are observation, interview, and documentation. Data analysis techniques using narrative after being tested for data validity by triangulation. The results of this study indicate that the application of integrating Islamic religious education in integrated Islamic elementary schools results in: 1) The use of technology in the learning process of Islamic religious education; 2) Students are invited to answer some Islamic religious education material with a natural approach; and 3) Maximizing P5 materials based on the integration of Islamic religious education with science and technology. The advantages of this application are that students, teachers, and school community elements can balance Islamic religious education and science and technology. The disadvantages are the unavailability of Islamic education laboratories and the lack of human resources and learning references.


