Information Comunication and Technology (ICT)-Based PAI Learning Innovation Based on The Application of Non-Cognitive Diagnostic Assessment


  • Moh. Heru Sunarko UIN KH. Abdurrahman Wahid


nnovation, Non-Cognitive Diagnostic Assessment


Non-cognitive diagnostic assessment is one of the assessments that must be implemented in the independent curriculum. From non-cognitive assessments, teachers can create learning innovations. This study aims to examine PAI learning innovations based on the application of non-cognitive diagnostic assessments. This research is a qualitative research with a case study research type. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that (1) Non-cognitive diagnostic assessment is carried out in accordance with the stages and aims to determine the learning styles and interests of students. (2) ICT-based PAI learning innovation is made based on the application of diagnostic assessment. The results of this study indicate that ICT-based PAI learning can be a solution for PAI teachers who have experienced difficulties and stagnation in the learning process, especially the aspect of learning methods.


