Cancellation and Return of Engagement Gifts in Islamic Law


  • Hesti Silfiani UIN K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan



Engagement is bound by the consequences of promises made by both of them which must be kept. Not all those who carry out engagements end up getting married, as in Bojong District, Pekalongan Regency, canceling their engagement considers it the best way for couples who have entered into an engagement with the problems they are facing. Cancellation is not the right solution to solving problems but rather creates new problems after the engagement is cancelled. relating to items given by the man if the engagement is canceled. This problem is not something trivial that can be considered a joke. There are various reasons for the cancellation of the engagement by each party which gives the impression of being playful and not implementing the value of engagement, namely leading to marriage. This type of field research (field research), uses a normative approach that is based on Islamic Law and is descriptive qualitative in nature. This research is based on primary and secondary data collected using interview techniques, observation and documentation studies. This research explores the causes of cancellation of engagements and returns of gifts that occur in Bojong District, Pekalongan Regency and analyzes them from the perspective of Islamic law. The phenomenon of canceling engagements and returning gifts that occurred in Bojong District, Pekalongan Regency, was caused by differences in weton, lack of compatibility and the presence of a third party. Regarding engagement gifts, there are also parties who take the initiative to return them and are asked to return them

Keywords: Engagement; Cancellation; Delivery Returns



