Case Study of the Effectiveness of Game-Based Learning Strategy Think-Tac-Toe in Increasing Students' Learning Motivation in Pesantren Kilat


  • Amalia Zulfa UIN K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid


Game-based learning, Tic-Tac-Toe Game, Student Pedagogical Competence, Islamic Boarding School


This study aims to explore the use of Tic Tac Toe game as a learning method in Pesantren Kilat activities for students. The focus of this study was to improve students' pedagogical competence through an interactive play approach. Using a quantitative research approach and a single-subject experimental design, this study showed that this game-based intervention had a positive impact on improving students' pedagogical competence. The results showed a significant increase in mean scores from the baseline phase to the intervention phase, highlighting that the Tic Tac Toe game can facilitate dynamic learning, motivate student participation, as well as assist in the development of critical and strategic thinking skills. While this study demonstrates the potential of the game as an effective learning tool, further research is needed to understand in depth how and why the game impacts on students' pedagogical competence in various learning contexts and activities.


