Utilization of TikTok as a Formative Assessment Media for Aqidatul Awwam Learning on Student Enthusiasm in Islamic Boarding School


  • Muhammad Fadhlurrohman UIN KH. Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan


Assessment functions as an integral part of the learning process and provides complete feedback information to teachers, students and parents to comprehensively measure the achievement of learning purposes. The goal is to help teachers choose strategies and think about how to improve the quality of learning. This research aims to utilize the TikTok application as a formative assessment medium for learning the Aqidatul Awwam book which is carried out at the end of the learning process to determine student progress and at the same time provide fast feedback and improve learning on the learning process that has been carried out. The method used is descriptive qualitative. The research results prove that using the TikTok application as a formative assessment medium can increase students' enthusiasm during and at the end of the learning process in Islamic Boarding School MTs Negeri 1 Tegal. Based on the results of the analysis of enthusiasm indicators, there is a difference in the increase in students' learning enthusiasm between before and after involving the TikTok application in the formative assessment process. The biggest increase in indicators was in concentration, self-involvement of students and attention when studying. In this case, the use of the TikTok application is a formative assessment medium to measure how far the material studied by students can be understood and can have a positive influence on enthusiasm and motivation in the learning process.


