Interrelation of Religion, Culture, and Technology


  • Winarno Winarno UIN K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan


Interrelation, Religion, Culture, Technology


The rapid development of science and technology (Science and Technology) has had an impact on the development of production, transportation and communication systems. There is hardly any area of ​​life that has not been influenced by these advances. The problems in this article are: 1. How are Religion, Culture and Technology Interrelated ? 2. What are the implications of the interrelation of religion, culture and technology?. The aim of this research is: To analyze the interrelation of religion, culture and technology, to analyze the implications of the interrelation of religion, culture and technology. Meanwhile, the uses of this research are as follows: Theoretically, it can increase knowledge, especially the Interrelation of Religion, Culture and Technology. For anyone who needs it. Meanwhile, practically it can be a guide for teachers in increasing their insight into the Interrelation of Religion, Culture and Technology. This article uses qualitative descriptive research and field research. Data collection methods through observation and interviews. The data analysis technique for this research uses data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results are that the Interrelation of Religion, Culture and Technology or Science and Technology influences a person's perspective and attitude towards religion. The role of religion, culture and the function of technology is starting to strengthen because it is not uncommon for religion and culture to be very unable to anticipate advances in science and technology. Advances in science and technology can cause modern humans to be so optimistic and confident that they can explain all natural phenomena in detail, scientifically and rationally. Facts have proven that technology, which is the implication and application of science, has made a clear contribution and convenience to the progress and prosperity of modern human life.


