Pluralis Ideological Hegemony of Humanist Gusdur as an Idol of the Digital Generation


  • Zakiya Very Ayu Suryatina UIN K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan


pluralis, humanis, Gusdur, Islamic education


Every young Indonesian is currently in a digital circle period. That is where in every life can not be separated from digital machines. Digital people use digital tools not only as a means of communication between people, but as practical, effective, and efficient learning tools. The flow of digitalization is increasingly swift in the world of education, so that it becomes a primary educational interest for an educator. All social media tools are significant enough tools to shape ideology for the current generation. The emergence of digital idols is increasingly influencing lifestyles, the thoughts of the nation's generation about the depiction of an idol today. The figure of a humanist pluralist Islamic generation in forming Islam the religion of rahmatan lil 'alamin. In the development of the times, adherents of Islam consist of plural and universal community groups. The big task for the digital generation is to always inflame the spirit of Bhinneka Tunggal Ika on the archipelago. A very well-known humanist pluralist figure at various levels of generations is the fourth president of Indonesia. KH. Abdurrahman Wakhid is a humanist pluralist figure of all time. Where his thoughts always live and develop by his adherents. In this paper we have some question to be answered, there are : 1. How is the phenomenon of the digital generation now? 2. How is the humanist pluralis ideology of Gusdur's thinking in islamic education?

Qualitative research was chosen as the type of research used in this study. The selection of qualitative research is due to the fact that there are several factors that are preferred in terms of the elaboration and explanation of a phenomenon to be studied. Qualitative research is a type of research whose findings are not obtained by statistical processes or calculations using formulas, but as a type of research that aims to explain phenomena contextually by using the researcher as a natural part of the research. In qualitative research, it explains more, describes and analyzes more using an inductive approach. Qualitative research prioritizes processes and meanings based on the point of view or assessment from the subject's point of view.

The five basic guarantees which are the essence and objectives of sharia include: (1) Guarantees for the physical safety of citizens from bodily actions outside the provisions of the law,(2)The safety of their respective religious beliefs, without any compulsion to change religions, (3)Family and offspring safety,(4)Safety of property and personal property (5)Safety of the mind. His attitude towards human aspects of humanity is not hindered by differences in a person's religious, ethnic, national, cultural and linguistic background. If someone gets discriminatory treatment and is seen as inhumane, then Gus Dur will be at the forefront to defend the rights of people who are humanly oppressed.


