Readiness of Islamic Religious Education Teachers in Facing Challenge Learning in Generation Z and Alpha


  • Nailiz Zahroh UIN K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan


teacher readiness, Islamic religious education, learning, gen Z, gen Alpha


Teachers of Islamic Religious Education (PAI) have challenge learning that doesn't different with other. Even PAI teachers have more responsibility than other teacher. So PAI teachers are always ready to educate in various generation, especially this era, generation Z and Alpha. This study aims to know : (1) the readiness of PAI teachers in face challenge learning in generation Z and Alpha (2) conditions means support learning For generation Z and Alpha. Method used that is quantitative with use technique data collection in the form of questionnaire . Subject study This is a PAI teacher in the Pekalongan City area with take sample respondent a total of 25 (twenty five ) people from different school . About generation Z and alpha as much as 68%, knowledge about characteristics generation Z and alpha as much as 64%, you know potency participant educate For actualize various potential student in PAI field as much as 60%, you know method utilizing information media and technology For support and develop PAI material as much as 84%, making planning learning before carry out PAI learning as much as 44%, have mastery material to be be delivered to participant educate as much as 84%, prepare material to be be delivered to participant educate before learning as much as 36% and, have knowledge about generation Z and alpha as much as 68%, using facility learning with utilise technology information owned by school as much as 36% , and make assessment in PAI learning as much as 32% and respondents who did not make assessment in PAI learning as much as 68%. understanding about PAI teacher readiness in challenge learning generation Z and alpha yet Ready Because percentage below 50%. Whereas owned school facilities and infrastructure Not yet fully utilized.


