Forming School Branding through Social Media: Educational Innovation Post Covid-19


  • Musyarapah Musyarapah Pascasarjana, IAIN Palangka Raya
  • Rizky Alhidayati Pascasarjana, IAIN Palangka Raya
  • Rahmad Wahyudi Pascasarjana, IAIN Palangka Raya


branding, innovation, post covid-19 education


Arafah Integrated Islamic Elementary School is one of the schools affected by the Covid-19 pandemic that has passed, this has caused SDIT Arafah to experience a decrease in the number of students enrolling. This paper reveals how schools can overcome the crisis they have experienced by utilizing social media in the form of WhatsApp, Tiktok, YouTube and IG as a medium for building school image (School branding). School branding is an effort made by educational institutions in offering a brand that is unique and has its own characteristics.


