Recitation Method to Enhance the Skills of Mahāratu Al Kitābah


  • Nela Fatkhiyatirrohmah UIN K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan
  • Faliqul Isbah UIN K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan


recitation method, mahᾱratu al kitᾱbah, Arabic language


This research was conducted to determine the implementation of the recitation method in improving students' writing skills (Mahᾱratu al Kitᾱbah). Starting from the implementation stages, its advantages and disadvantages are explored. Writing skills rank last among language skills, indicating that writing skills can be mastered effectively once students have acquired proper listening, speaking, and reading skills. This fact also suggests that in order to have good writing skills, in addition to learning techniques and practice, students need to be given writing tasks outside of school hours as recitation. This research method employs a qualitative approach with a descriptive field study. The data sources consist of primary and secondary data. Primary data is obtained directly from teachers, students, and school administrators, while secondary data is obtained from relevant documents related to the research. Data collection techniques include interviews, observations, and documentation. The data analysis technique used in this research is an interactive model analysis, which involves data collection, reduction, presentation, and drawing conclusions. The research findings indicate that the implementation of the recitation method to improve writing skills is carried out through preparation, implementation, and evaluation stages. The advantages of this method include fostering self-confidence in mastering Arabic language and enhancing students' creativity. However, a drawback of the recitation method based on teacher assignments is the limited control over students' tasks and the need for active and passive student supervision when tasks are assigned in groups.


