The Concept of Love (Mahabbah) in Al-Qur’an Suphistic Perspective of Interpretation (Comparison of Tafsir Ibn Arabi with Tafsir Al-Jailani)


  • Nailatul Khalishah UIN K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan
  • Imam Kanafi UIN K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan


mahabbah, sufistic interpretation


The Qur'an mentions the word love (ḥubb) and its derivations 83 times. Love itself is expressed in Arabic with three kinds of characteristics, namely appreciative (ta´ẓīm), full of attention (ihtimāman), and love (maḥabbah). This study aims to provide an understanding of the concept of love (Mahabbah). The concept of love (Mahabbah) in the views of the Sufi commentators differ in interpreting it. This paper examines how the views of Sufi mufassir in interpreting the Mahabbah found in the Qur'an. Maḥabbah, which has long been a subject of discussion in the science of Tasawwuf, has also become a serious concern for Sufi mufassir. This is proven by the in-depth explanations about it that they do when interpreting the Qur'an. By using a literature review of several Sufistic Interpretations, it can be concluded that maḥabbah in general is the inclination of a servant's soul to the Most Perfect Essence. When a servant is able to reach the essence of love from and to Allah or Maḥabbatullâh, then he will always obey everything that Allah commands him without the slightest sense of coercion in him. Because in truth, the consequence of the maḥabbah of a servant to Allah SWT. is obedience to the One he loves.


