The Role of Islamic Boarding Schools in the Digital Age


  • Alvi Umi Syarifah UIN K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan


Islamic boarding school, digital age, pesantren, adab, role


Pesantren is one of the institutions that still exists today and will always exist until whenever. Pesantren is a place where students learn religious knowledge and manners; this is a difference with education other than pesantren. Islamic boarding schools strongly favor adab because knowledge must be accompanied by adab.  The digital era has brought great changes to society with the convenience offered by technology. One of them is characterized by the ease of accessing the internet, computers, and smartphones. This article aims that pesantren can be a solution to the negative impacts of technological advances in the digital era. This research uses qualitative research with a library approach as supporting data. The results showed that pesantren as a solution to the impact of technological advances by implementing education accompanied by exemplary. The decline in morality that is happening now, especially in adolescents, one of the triggers is the use of gadgets. The ease of access to gadgets makes teenagers uncontrolled in their use. The existence of spectacles that should not be seen by teenagers is the cause of moral damage; this can be overcome by exemplary good from parents, family, and the surrounding environment.


